The Mommy Reality Challenge is into it’s tenth week! Yes, that’s ten weeks of sharing pictures and reality’s that can’t be undone!
The hosts Jen, Celeste and Carolyn work really hard at sharing and promoting the pictures and posts that are submitted for the challenge. It’s their hard work that makes this challenge fun and rewarding.
For anyone who doesn’t know the Mommy Reality Challenge it is nothing too serious or challenging, it’s just a fun challenge that is set each week giving us Mums an opportunity to share the true reality of being a Mum. The fun part is learning that we are not alone in not having seen a clean kitchen sink in months or maybe years. It’s been fun seeing what other Mums slob out in round the house and sharing life hacks.
This weeks Mommy Reality Challenge is …….Food Face Fotos!
I wasn’t sure if I could take part in this weeks Mommy Reality Challenge as my children have pretty much mastered the art of getting food in their mouths without leaving half of it on their face. And on the odd occasion when they don’t manage mouth clearance, I wouldn’t stand a chance of catching a photograph of the occasion…..They are now bigger and stronger than me!
All the photographs of when my children were young are in albums, as back then digital cameras were only for the experts. Our camera was an old Olympus camera, that took nice photos….On a film! What a palaver having to send off rolls of film only to have half of the pictures come back out of focus or distorted by light!…Thank goodness for digital cameras!
So this morning I dug out the photograph albums of when the children were small, found a couple of ideal Food Face Fotos and set about seeing whether I could scan, resize and use the pictures for this challenge. And the pictures didn’t come out too bad, they just look sooo old…
It seems like wiping of my children’s face never happened at birthday parties! Or did they always end up wearing more food than they had eaten when they were little?..I really can’t remember…Or maybe I just can’t face up to that Mommy Reality!
I think this challenge is my favourite so far, not because the other challenges were any less fun they weren’t, but because in order to take part in this challenge I had to look through old photograph albums from when the children were small and that was priceless! Their hair. Greg’s smiley face. Catherine’s dagger looks. Their smallness. Just about everything I saw this morning had me OOOing and AHHing. Thank you Jen, Celeste and Carolyn it made my day!
Have you checked out the Mommy Reality Challenge yet. If not why not?…It’s fun!
Copyright © 2014 Debbie Roberts
© 2014 – 2016, Debbie. All rights reserved.
Celeste @Leapfrog and Lipgloss says
Debbie Roberts says
Jodie says
Debbie Roberts says
Jen@JENerallyInformed says