Firstly I would like to pay my respects to those bloggers out there who manage to consistently post several blog posts a week, be active on social media and host/partake in blog hops on a weekly basis. It is not an easy task by far!
I enjoy taking part in the Mommy Reality Challenge (hosted by Jen and Celeste). Which is a fun, fortnightly, photographic challenge where Mums all over the blogosphere can share their reality in a blog post or on their social media pages.
This fortnights challenge has nearly come to an end, a new Mommy Reality Challenge will be set on Friday and I have only just managed to find the time to sit down and write the post.
For this challenge Mums were asked to photograph and share what they eat for breakfast. As Mum’s we spend an awful lot of time trying to teach their children to eat a healthy breakfast, it is interesting to see just what Mum’s eat for breakfast.
What I Eat For Breakfast…
Breakfast for me is one meal I won’t skip (not that I make a habit of skipping meals as I am not happy when I am hungry!). I also admit to having a pretty boring breakfast most of the time (except for Fridays, when anything goes!).
So here are my breakfast pictures…
This is pretty much what my breakfast looks like Saturday to Thursday. That picture is so sad an uninspiring and I am sure that it says a lot about the person who eats it….That really is a couple of Weetabix with chopped up banana and milk (semi skimmed)…It’s very, very sad I know!
At the moment I am going through a Weetabix faze and when winter really sets in the whole family has porridge for breakfast. Sometimes with a banana, sometimes with fruits f the forest.
But Fridays Breakfast Is So Different…
Friday in our house is a day when we eat whatever we fancy and watch bad television. I love and look forward to Fridays.
Last Friday I had a couple of sesame rusks hidden beneath three cheeses and a good dollop of Branston pickle followed by three (smallish) fresh doughnuts filled with a lemon cream that is so smooth it’s like velvet. There is only one bakery that makes doughnuts this good and you have to get there early or they sell out and it’s so heart breaking when that happens as there is only one Friday a week. (I nearly broke down on a recent unsuccessful visit to the bakery, when I really fancied lemon doughnuts for breakfast and they had sold out!).
So they are my #MommyReality Breakfasts. There are still a couple of days for you to join in the fun, so why not share yours? If not, Jen and Celeste will be setting a new #MommyReality Challenge this Friday, so why not link up then?
© 2014, Debbie. All rights reserved.
Rebecca says
Debbie says
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom says
Debbie says
normaleverydaylife says
Debbie says
Celeste @Leapfrogandlipgloss says
Jen@JENerallyInformed says
Debbie says